Q: What does Bill Clinton

Q: Why don't blondes have elevator jobs?

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why don't blondes have elevator jobs? A: They don't know the route.

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When Mr. Maxwell's wife left him he

| Marriage jokes

When Mr. Maxwell's wife left him he couldn't sleep. "She took the bed!"

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Q: How many musicians does it take to change a

| Music jokes

Q: How many musicians does it take to change a light bulb? A: Twenty. 1 to hold the bulb, 2 to turn the ladder, and 17 to be on the guest list.

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A guy runs out of a Las

| Marriage jokes

A guy runs out of a Las Vegas hotel and says to a stranger, "Can you loan me two hundred bucks? My wife had a terrible accident." The stranger says, "If you need two hundred dollars, what are you using to gamble with?" The guy replies, "Oh, I've got gambling money."

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Calvin went to Pearson's Pet Shop to

| Idiot and fool jokes

Calvin went to Pearson's Pet Shop to complain that his canary wouldn't sing. "File the beak just a little," said the owner, "and the bird will sing. But if you file it too much, the canary will die." Two weeks later Pearson ran into Calvin on the street and asked about his canary. "He died," s

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Q: What does Bill Clinton have in common with former great Presidents? A: Absolutely nothing.