What does Father Christmas

A blonde goes into a Best Buy. She asks a clerk

| Blonde jokes

A blonde goes into a Best Buy. She asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner. The clerk looks at her and says that he doesn't serve blondes, so she goes back home and dyes her hair black. The next day she returns to the store and asks the same thing and again the clerk said he doesn't

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What's the speed limit of sex?

| Dirty jokes

What's the speed limit of sex? 68; at 69 you have to turn around.

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Teacher: This is the third time I've had to

| School jokes

Teacher: This is the third time I've had to tell you off this week, what have you got to say about that? Pupil: Thank heavens it's Friday!

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Police Chief: Why are you

| Police jokes

Police Chief: Why are you putting handcuffs on that building? Officer: I'm making a house arrest

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Who do you think was sent to cover the

| Journalist jokes

Who do you think was sent to cover the story of the baby lion born in the zoo? A cub reporter.

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What does Father Christmas call that reindeer with no eyes? No-eyed-deer!