I wouldn’t say

A lady with a

| Marriage jokes

A lady with a large flowery hat was stopped at the church door by the usher. "Are you a friend of the bride ?" he asked. "Certainly not," she snapped, "I'm the groom's mother."

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What do you do if King Kong sits in

| King Kong jokes

What do you do if King Kong sits in front of you at the cinema? Miss most of the film!

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What was wrong with the boy's

| Christmas jokes

What was wrong with the boy's brand new toy electric train set he received for Christmas? Forty feet of track - all straight!

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Teacher: Can anyone give me the name of a

| School jokes

Teacher: Can anyone give me the name of a liquid that won't freeze ? Pupil: Hot water !

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What insect runs away from everything ?

| Insect jokes

What insect runs away from everything ? A flee !

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I wouldn’t say Christmas gnomes are ugly, But if beauty’s skin deep then they were was born inside out!