What’s furry, has whiskers and

Do steam rollers really roll

| Answer me this jokes

Do steam rollers really roll steam?

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Q: How

| Zodiac jokes

Q: How many Arians does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None: Arians aren't afraid of the dark.

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One day, an out-of-work man knocks on the door

| Old age jokes

One day, an out-of-work man knocks on the door of a home in an upper-class neighborhood. The lady of the house answers. "Pardon me Mam, Im out of work and looking for any odd jobs that people need done. I'm very handy with everything from repairs to yard work, to painting..." "Painting?" the wom

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Q: How do know a

| Music jokes

Q: How do know a clarinet player is playing loud? A: You can almost hear them.

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| Aardvark jokes

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What’s furry, has whiskers and chases outlaws ? A posse cat !