Why did the man put his car in the

Q2: What kind of materials do dinosaurs use

| Dinosaur jokes

Q2: What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? A: Rep Tiles

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Q1: What vehicle does

| Dinosaur jokes

Q1: What vehicle does T-Rex use to go from planet to planet? A: A Dinosaucer

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Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

| Dinosaur jokes

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road? A: Because the chicken wasn't invented yet.

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What do you call the

| Various animal jokes

What do you call the reindeer with one eye higher than the other? Isaiah!

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Q. Who is the greatest

| Religious jokes

Q. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? A. David. He rocked Goliath to sleep.

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Why did the man put his car in the oven? Because he wanted a hot rod.