Policeman: Why did

What is a flea's favourite book ?

| Insect jokes

What is a flea's favourite book ? The itch-hikers guide to the galaxy !

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An old fellow came

| Doctor and nurse jokes

An old fellow came into the hospital truly on death's door due to an infected gallbladder. The surgeon who removed the gallbladder was adamant that his patients be up and walking in the hall the day after surgery, to help prevent blood clots forming in the leg veins. The nurses walked the pati

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My mother-in-law has got

| Humor jokes

My mother-in-law has got so many double chins it looks like she is peering over a pile of pancakes.

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How do you tell a good monster from a bad one?

| Monster jokes

How do you tell a good monster from a bad one? If it's a good one you will be able to talk about it later!

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What do monsters play when they are in the bus?

| Bus jokes

What do monsters play when they are in the bus? Squash.

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Policeman: Why did you stop your car, get out, and yell “coward” at the traffic signal? Motorist: The light just turned yellow.