A frog goes into

Where's the most dangerous place to go

| Halloween jokes

Where's the most dangerous place to go trick-or-treating? On the psycho path!

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Why did a gambler scare everyone out

| Various animal jokes

Why did a gambler scare everyone out swimming? He was a card shark!

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How do you stop your laptop batteries from

| Computer jokes

How do you stop your laptop batteries from running out? Hide their trainers.

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A neighbour bumped into Jenny playing outside her

| Bed jokes

A neighbour bumped into Jenny playing outside her house after dark. 'Hello, Jenny,' said the neighbour. 'Isn't it time for little girls to be in bed?' 'How would I know?' asked Jenny. 'I haven't got any little girls.

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Why does a d dog scratch himself?

| Dog jokes

Why does a d dog scratch himself? He is the only one that knows where it itches.

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A frog goes into the bank and asks the teller for a loan. The teller tells the frog to see Mr. Paddywack, the loan officer. Mr. Paddywack looks at the frog and says, “What do you have for collateral?” The frog pulls out of his pocket a solid silver elephant. Mr. Paddywack looks at the elephant and says, “I don’t know. I’m going to have to ask Mr. Larson, the bank manager to approve this.” He goes into Mr. Larson’s office and comes back. Two minutes later, Mr. Larson comes out with the elephant and says, “It’s a knick-knack Paddywack, give the frog a loan!”