Do buses and trains run on time?

What's long, green and goes hith ?

| Snake jokes

What's long, green and goes hith ? A snake with a lisp !

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How does a burger acquire good taste?

| Burger jokes

How does a burger acquire good taste? With a little seasoning!

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Did you ever see a country boy in New

| Car and train jokes

Did you ever see a country boy in New York whistle for a cab? He puts two fingers in his mouth and hollers, "Taxi!"

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Fred got home from his Sunday round of golf

| Sport jokes

Fred got home from his Sunday round of golf later than normal and very tired. "Bad day at the course?" his wife asked. "Everything was going fine," he said. "Then Harry had a heart attack and died on the 10th tee." "Oh, that's awful!" "You're not kidding. For the whole back nine it was hit the b

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Q: What do you call kinky sex with

| Dirty jokes

Q: What do you call kinky sex with chocolate? A: S&M&M.

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Do buses and trains run on time? Usually, yes. No, they don’t. Buses run on wheels and trains run on the tracks.