What do burgers think when they are

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup !

| Waiter jokes

Waiter, there is a fly in my soup ! Hold on sir, I'll get the fly spray !

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| Idiot and fool jokes

Chaffee could talk on any subject whether he knew anything about it or not. Mostly he didn't. One day his neighbor Nibley could stand no more. "Do you realize," asked Nibley, "that you and I know all there is to be known?" "Do you really think so?" said Chaffee. "How do you figure that?" "Ea

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Q: How many Ayatollahs does it take to screw in

| Ethnic jokes

Q: How many Ayatollahs does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None-there weren't any light bulbs in the 13th century.

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What is the difference between a dancer and a

| Dance jokes

What is the difference between a dancer and a duck? One goes quick on her beautiful legs, the other goes quack on her beautiful legs.

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Did you hear about the idiot who

| Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the idiot who planted Cheerios in his backyard? He thought they were donut seeds.

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What do burgers think when they are surrounded by gherkins? They think they are in a pickle.