How do we know that hamburgers love classic

A woman was in court

| Marriage jokes

A woman was in court charged with wounding her husband. "But why did you stab him over a hundred times?" asked the judge. "Oh, your Honor," replied the defendant, "I didn't know how to switch off the electric carving knife."

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Patron 1: I eat at a different restaurant

| Restaurant jokes

Patron 1: I eat at a different restaurant every day. Patron 2: I don't tip, either.

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Golfer: "Caddy, do you think my game is

| Sport jokes

Golfer: "Caddy, do you think my game is improving?" Caddy: "Oh yes, sir! You miss the ball much closer than you used to."

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Recently scientists revealed

| Bar jokes, beer, booze and fun!

Recently scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, the scientists fed 100 men twelve bottles of beer each. The scientists observed that 100% of the male test group gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, and

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Customer: There's something wrong with my hot

| Waiter jokes

Customer: There's something wrong with my hot dogs. Waiter: Sorry, I'm a waiter, not a veterinarian.

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How do we know that hamburgers love classic music? They’re often found at the Meatropolitan Opera House and Cownegie Hall!