Q: Why did the blonde keep a empty carton of

What is green and pecks on trees ?

| Bird jokes

What is green and pecks on trees ? Woody Wood Pickle !

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How do you stop a monster digging up your

| Monster jokes

How do you stop a monster digging up your garden? Take his spade away.

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Why is the air so clean and healthy on

| Halloween jokes

Why is the air so clean and healthy on Halloween? Because so many witches are sweeping the sky.

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Where do snowmen put their webpages?

| Snowman jokes

Where do snowmen put their webpages? On the winternet.

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A couple of biologists had twins.

| Biologist jokes

A couple of biologists had twins. One they called John and the other control.

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Q: Why did the blonde keep a empty carton of milk in the fridge? A: In case she wanted black coffee.