Q: What do you call a blonde

Why did the boy become an

| Space jokes

Why did the boy become an astronaut ? Because he was no earthly good !

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My dog is a nuisance.

| Bicycle jokes

My dog is a nuisance. He chases everyone on a bicycle. What can I do? Take his bike away.

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Fred: You've got a Roman nose.

| Face jokes

Fred: You've got a Roman nose. Harry: Like Julius Caesar? Fred: No, it's roamin' all over your face.

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Why are football grounds odd?

| Sport jokes

Why are football grounds odd? Because you can sit in the stands but can't stand in the sits!

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Eddie's father called up to him, 'Eddie, if

| Children jokes

Eddie's father called up to him, 'Eddie, if you don't stop playing that trumpet I think I'll go crazy! Eddy replied, 'I think you are already, I stopped playing half an hour ago.

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Q: What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket? A: Married.