Did you hear about the blonde who took an hour

What did the biscuit say when it

| Food jokes

What did the biscuit say when it saw two friends knocked down? Crumbs!

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A police man was on

| Police jokes

A police man was on duty one night and he headed up to "Make out Mountain" to try to catch some couples in the act. When he got up there he stopped at the first car where a couple sat, and was surprised to see the man was reading and the girl next to him was knitting. He tapped on the wind

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Why did the witch keep turning people into

| Witch jokes

Why did the witch keep turning people into Mickey Mouse? She was having Disney spells.

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What kind of food do maths teachers

| School jokes

What kind of food do maths teachers eat? Square meals!

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Teacher, I can't solve this problem.

| School jokes

Teacher, I can't solve this problem. Any five year old should be able to solve this one. No wonder I can't do it then, I'm nearly ten!

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Did you hear about the blonde who took an hour to cook Minute Rice?’