A policeman pulled a blonde over after

What do you do if your computer hums?

| Computer jokes

What do you do if your computer hums? Tell it to change its socsks!

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Last summer, the President and Mrs. Clinton

| Clinton jokes

Last summer, the President and Mrs. Clinton were vacationing in their home state of Arkansas. On a venture one day, they stopped at a service station to fill up the car with gas. It seemed that the owner of the station was once Hillary's high school love. They exchanged hellos, and went on thei

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There where two snakes talking.

| Snake jokes

There where two snakes talking. The 1st one said 'Sidney, are we the type of snakes who wrap ourselves around our prey and squeeze and crush until they're dead? Or are we the type of snake who ambush our prey and bite them and they are poisioned?'. Then the second Snake says "Why do you ask?" The

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Patient (to

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Patient (to cosmetic surgeon): Will it hurt me, doctor? Surgeon: Only when you get my bill, Mrs Brown.

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What did the hotel manager say to the

| Elephant jokes

What did the hotel manager say to the elephant that couldn't pay his bill ? "Pack your trunk and clear out !"

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A policeman pulled a blonde over after he/she’d been driving the wrong way on a one-way street. Cop: Do you know where you were going? Blonde: No, but wherever it is, it must be bad ’cause all the people were leaving.