Why did you hit your birthday cake with a

Q: How do you electrocute a blonde?

| Blonde jokes

Q: How do you electrocute a blonde? A: Tell her to demonstrate the proper usage of an electric chair.

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When is a parent like a child?

| Parent jokes

When is a parent like a child? When he's a miner.

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Q: Why did the dog cross the road? - A: Because it

| Dog jokes

Q: Why did the dog cross the road? - A: Because it was the chickens day off.

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A man takes his 10 year old daughter to the doctor.

| Children jokes

A man takes his 10 year old daughter to the doctor. He says "Doctor, I want to put her on the pill." The Doctor says "Why?!? Is she sexually active?" The guy says "Nah, she just lies there like her mother."

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March Into Battle

| Book title jokes

March Into Battle by Sally Forth

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Why did you hit your birthday cake with a hammer? Because you said it was pound cake!