Why did the chicken end up in the soup

As the airliner was preparing to land in

| Aviation jokes

As the airliner was preparing to land in Madrid in a rainstorm, an English passenger seemed noticeably afraid. "What's the problem, fellow?" asked his seat mate. "Surely," said the Englishman, "you've heard the saying, 'The planes in Spain fall mainly in the rains!!

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Why are electric trains like a

| Dirty jokes

Why are electric trains like a mother's breasts? They were both designed for the kids, but it's the fathers who are always playing with them.

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Q: What do you call cheese that's not

| Food jokes

Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours? A: Nacho cheese!

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Two hunters

| Hunting jokes

Two hunters got a pilot to fly them into the far north for elk hunting. They were quite successful in their venture and bagged six big bucks. The pilot came back, as arranged, to pick them up. They started loading their gear into the plane, including the six elk. But the pilot objected and h

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Consider one of the most perplexing

| Answer me this jokes

Consider one of the most perplexing questions of our time: Where do' solutions go when a candidate gets elected?

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Why did the chicken end up in the soup ? Because it ran out of cluck !