What do Scottish owls sing?

Q: How do ghosts fly from

| Ghost jokes

Q: How do ghosts fly from one place to another? A: By scareplane.

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Which ghost ate too much porridge?

| Ghost jokes

Which ghost ate too much porridge? Ghouldilocks.

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Andy was away from school for 2 days because

| Children jokes

Andy was away from school for 2 days because he had a flu. On the third day when he went back to school, his teacher told him how he felt. I feel with my hands Miss !

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Two poor kids were invited by a rich kid to a swimming party at his pool

| Aardvark jokes

Two poor kids were invited by a rich kid to a swimming party at his pool. When they were changing into their swim trunks, one turned to the other and said: "Did you notice the small dongs on the rich kids?" The other answered: "Yeah! It's probably because they have toys to play with!"

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A woman entered the hospital to deliver

| Marriage jokes

A woman entered the hospital to deliver her 15th child. "Congratulations," said the nurse, "but don't you think this is enough?" The woman replied, "Are you kidding? This is the only vacation I get each year."

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What do Scottish owls sing? Owld Lang Syne.