Why are babies always gurgling with joy?

I was once in a play called

| Bed jokes

I was once in a play called Breakfast In Bed. Did you have a big role? No, just toast and marmalade.

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What kind of shoes to frogs like ?

| Frog jokes

What kind of shoes to frogs like ? Open toad sandals !

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Yo mama so skinny she turned sideways and

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so skinny she turned sideways and dissapeared.

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McNally was taking his first plane ride,

| Aviation jokes

McNally was taking his first plane ride, flying over the Rocky Mountains. The stewardess handed him a piece of chewing gum. "It's to keep your ears from popping at high altitudes," she explains. When the plane landed McNally rushed up to her. "Miss," he said, "I'm meetin' me wife right away. H

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Why did the composer spend all his time in

| Bed jokes

Why did the composer spend all his time in bed? He wrote sheet music.

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Why are babies always gurgling with joy? Because it’s a nappy time.